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So much going on - Events and Clubs

One of the big pushes of this Board, especially with the pandemic behind us, is to foster a spirit of community. We have a drive for togetherness and engagement within our community. It is my opinion that there are only two ways to bring homeowners to the clubhouse; the first is to have controversial or divisive issues brought before the Board. This is not that post.

This is about the second, and more fun, way; events and clubs.

We have been working diligently to update the website and to make it more dynamic and interactive. I'm hoping that one of the more popular pages will be the UPCOMING EVENTS page.

We are constantly adding new events, updating information about events and with the recent creation of a Social Committee, running great events. While talking about the Social Committee, if you would like to volunteer to help in planning or running events or have suggestions for events, please email, at least for now - we'll work on better automation as we grow.

Our next event is this coming Saturday (October 15th, 2022). It's our fall neighborhood yard sale (and hot dog sale) and this year we've coordinated the date and times with both Longleaf and Ellington. That should, with all the promotion from all the HOA's involved, drive tons more traffic into our neighborhood. Good luck with your sales. We look forward to seeing you up at the clubhouse where Board members and volunteers will be selling hot dogs, brats, chips and drinks. The weather looks like it's going to be great, with low likelihood of rain and 78°. Specifically - Intervals of clouds and sunshine. High 78F. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph.

On the 19th at 6.30pm we have a Board meeting and we do encourage all in the community to attend. It is dangerous to have any Board go unchecked or not be held accountable to the community. You have a voice and a right to use it. We encourage your involvement in all Board matters. More on the Board, its current officers and the roles and responsibilities of officers and directors can be found here.

With Halloween just around the corner - it's time to come together for the young in our neighborhood. Our annual Trunk or Treat event is on the 29th and we are looking for community members to come to the clubhouse, decorate their cars, dress up, hang out and pass out candy to the visiting kids from our neighborhood and beyond. Last year nearly 200 children visited and had a blast. There's also a desserts food truck, so no-one gets to miss out on sugary treats

This year the social committee have added more to the event. We'll be opening the clubhouse, making it spooky fun and providing a variety of family friendly activities to keep the kids busy. It's a great annual fixture on our calendar and gets bigger every year. We are limited to only 21 cars so please make sure you reserve your spot in advance.

As I mentioned before, there is so much going on and all the details are on the UPCOMING EVENTS page, I simply wanted to put the next few on your radar and encourage you to keep coming back to the website or the app. Here's a sneak peak at other events coming your way:

  • Cards club - every second Tuesday

  • Bunco games night - third Tuesday Tuesday of the Month

  • Cookies with Santa

  • Holiday decorating prize event

  • New Years Eve Party

  • Superbowl family event

If you have interest in running a club - just let us know via any of the means of communication you have for us. We'd love to keep the clubhouse open and busy so people can freely drop in, grab a coffee and a conversation. We have to work our way up to that and it will take all of us.

Thanks for reading - I can't wait to see the decorated cars for the Trunk or Treat.

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