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News Update

Updated: Apr 29, 2024

Hi neighbors. We recognize that we have not, as a Board, been very communicative of late. There are a few reasons for that and they're being addressed now. I'll give you the news highlights first and some details subsequently.

Board Reshuffle.

Following each year's Annual Meeting event the Board reorganizes; members whose terms expire, leave or rerun and when possible, new blood is added. This year, like every year, 3 Board members must step down, but this year 2 were eligible to and chose to, stand again. We did lose Chris Irwin though, who was in the VP chair. His term came to an end and he chose not to run again. The Board would like to thank Chris for his selfless service to the community and thank his family for letting us have as much of him as we did. Chris's vacant seat was taken by former Social Committee member and long time neighbor, Jennifer Richter. That means we have a full complement of 9 Board members, so that's a great positive to start off with. Here are the people and the roles they will fulfill for the next year:

Current Role


Contact Email

Prior Role


Mike Duncan

Director of Architectural Control Committee

Vice President

Steve Poland



Carol Woods



Jennifer Richter

New to Board

Director of Compliance Committee

Jacob Polukoff


Director of Architectural Control Committee

Richard Stocks


Director of Landscaping & Maintenance Committee

Bob Cesarek


Director of Welcoming & Membership Committee

Dana Blackburn


Director of Clubhouse & Common Grounds Committee

George Plasterer


Planned Meetings: There is much, much work that the Board needs to continue to work on to get back to a high functioning organization and as you might have seen a series of weekly meetings leading up to the Annual Meeting, they were to address a growing backlog of mostly organizational and administrative tasks. Nobody, least of all volunteers, wants to have to meet weekly, so for this years planned calendar of meetings we've decided to go Monthly, reserving the right to cancel a scheduled meeting if we are on top of our work. Here are the planned dates. We'll schedule them in the events tab too.

  • Wednesday, 8th MAY: Regular Board Meeting & Approval of Property Management Firm

  • Wednesday, 22nd MAY: WORKSHOP - Budget Planning 2025 

  • Wednesday, 12th JUNE: Regular Board Meeting

  • Wednesday, 10th JULY: WORKSHOP – Operational Tasks (prep for Property Management Handover)


  • Wednesday, 11th SEPTEMBER: The first Board meeting following the new Budget

  • Wednesday, 9th OCTOBER: Regular Board Meeting

  • Wednesday, 13th NOVEMBER: Regular Board Meeting

  • DECEMBER: No meeting

  • Wednesday, 8th JANUARY 2025: Regular Board Meeting

  • Wednesday, 12th FEBRUARY 2025: Regular Board Meeting

  • Wednesday, 12th MARCH 2025: Regular Board Meeting AND

  • Wednesday, 26th MARCH 2025: ANNUAL Meeting <-- YOUR meeting - add to calendar

  • Tuesday, 1st APRIL 2025: Proposed Organizational Meeting

The work: I mentioned the enormous workload the Board is undertaking currently, so let me give you an idea of just some of what we are doing. None of which are 5 minute jobs and most of which take hours and hours to complete, over weeks of effort. BTW - You can always stay abreast of what the Board is doing by attending meetings or reviewing the published minutes on Sentry's Website.

  1. Packaged up all historical paper based documents, minutes, policies, newsletters for the digitization project that will allow us to make space in the office and have a perpetual and digital record of the community. We plan, through the intelligent use of technology to make all the relevant materials available, to you the community, through simple search functionality.

  2. Wrote and published a Request For Proposal (RFP) to 6 Property Management firms who serve communities in our area and of our size. We continue to work on the down selection to 3 who we will be inviting to present their plans, pricing, portal demos and partnership approach during next week.

  3. Writing new and updating Policy and Process documents to 2024 standards. This work will continue until all documents exist in an acceptable and usable form by us and future Board members. This is an enormous undertaking and takes weeks of many hours of commitment to accomplish. Once completed, however, the Board, in conjunction with its property management partner will run much smoother for the benefit of all residents and volunteers.

  4. Working with committee members and attorney's on the governing documents updates (CC&R's and By Laws), still in flight.

  5. Making our money work for us. Considerable process has been made in putting unused cash into high yield products and that is bearing fruit.

  6. Working with endless insurance companies and contractors to clean the debris and fix the damage to the wall along 54 following a vehicular incident several weeks ago.

  7. Attending Pasco County meetings to learn from politicians, lawmakers, law enforcement and code enforcement.

  8. and so, so, much more.

Right now the Board is pulling triple duty to bring ourselves into the modern age, making improvements and updates for everybody's benefit. We've recognized that Board member transitions and role changes is a convoluted affair and that we are still less than operationally efficient. It's why communication has been delayed. We are working on that too.

Thanks for bearing with us.

Isn't the spring a wonderful time of year? OK, that's all from me for now, until next time.

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Unknown member
Apr 25, 2024
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Thank you so much for the update - having communication with the residents is vital and so very helpful. Thank you Board Members for all the time and work that you do and to your families. As stated before, hopefully the meetings will be in real time online soon for those that want to be informed but cannot physically make the meetings.

It is also important for residents to communicate to the Board their appreciation for everything that they do. We ALL need to pay attention and adhere to the Deed Restrictions and be PROUD of our development.


Unknown member
Apr 25, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

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