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New Architectural Change Request Process...

...and a better way to ask questions, communicate with the Board and property management, raise concerns and fix problems

It's been a busy few months getting prepared for and now working with our new property Management Partner Greenacre Properties, Inc. You'll likely have received a number of communications about changes already. One change the Board is most excited by is the new property management Portal that Greenacre provides. It's powered by Vantaca and I've embedded a link to it directly in the HOME menu of our website.

Not only does it have a very simplified homeowner account view, it's going to help improve our processes. First and foremost the Architectural Change Request Process.

No longer do you have to email, wait and hope, now you can simply go to the Portal and raise your request in just a few simple clicks. You can also ask questions, raise issues, make suggestions, or even request help paying a bill amongst other things.

Here's how simple the new process is.

  1. Log onto the Portal

  2. Either:

    1. Using the menu on the left, click "Requests" - OR -

    2. In your "Recent Requests" section, click "New Request"

Then simply follow the on screen instructions. And just like that, you're done.

If you would like to change something about the exterior of your home or your mailbox, then you'll need to raise an Architectural Change Request - here's how:

If you simply have a question or noticed something around the neighborhood that needs attention, then use the General Request option, here's how:

If you have any problems getting on to the portal, or are not in a position to use the portal for whatever reason, please reach out to our new ON-SITE Community Association Manager from Greenacre.

Greenacre Properties, Inc. is open Monday through Friday from 9am-4pm, With onsite presence in the clubhouse typically on Tuesday's and Thursday's (although subject to change without notice). Your Community Association Manager is Elyssia Luquis. Her contact information is:

Phone: 813-936-4107 and Email:

We are making the changes as part of a series of modernizations and improvements to the community, how it's run and managed and to the processes and procedures the Board follows to keep our neighborhood desirable. We appreciate your patience during the transition to a new management partner and the changes to systems and processes that work entails. Thank you.

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