Good morning Fairway Springs neighbors, it's been so great to meet and see so many of you recently. It's also wonderful to see the clubhouse being used more extensively. It's our one big neighborhood asset and it's for all of us.
Homeowners are always welcome to rent the clubhouse for your use (in line with the deed restrictions of course) and we encourage that.
As a community, we've been trying to grow its usage too. Most recently we've held an open house/meet the board, hotdog sale, trunk or treat and halloween event and the food drive. You'll be seeing a lot more events too: Movie Night under the Stars, Cookies with Santa, New Years Day, Superbowl and more to come, keep your eyes on the events page.
What pleases us most though is that clubs and groups are coming back. Bunco every third Tuesday and 7pm, Cards every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 7pm, Morning exercise groups and I'm hearing that a supper club is in the works. I know of others that would like to create clubs and groups too. Perhaps a "mommies and me" group? I see so many youngsters in our neighborhood.
With that in mind I thought I'd share a quick "How-To" guide for those that are interested in starting your own club.
1 - Go to the home page on the mobile site or Web App (Spaces by Wix)

2 - In the bar where it says Home, Videos, Blog etc., scroll right until you see Groups

3 - At the top of that page there's a + in a circle and it says "Create Group", click there.

4 - You'll be presented with a page asking "What's your group for?", there are a number of prebuilt templates or you can create a custom one. I suggest for now, pick a template.

5 - From here you can create the name of your club, decide if it is public or private and 'voila' you have created a club. Congratulations.

6 - After this you will have almost unlimited abilities to invite members, add members, chat amongst your members and so, so much more. Imagine Facebook or Nextdoor, but with 100% of the people and posts being relevant.
One last thing, please check the Clubhouse calendar to ensure that your planned get togethers don't clash with a private hire or other event scheduled for the same time.
I for one am very excited by what fun clubs and groups the community will create. I'm always excited to try out new things. Maybe we'll all meet some people with similar hobbies and passions? Wouldn't that be great?

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