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Avenir Light is a clean
Jennifer Richter
The Secretary preserves the association’s history, maintains all of its meeting and legal records and documents, and protects the liability of the Board and of the community through an efficient recording system. The duties of this position include, but are not limited to:
1. He/She records and takes minutes (or appoints designee to take minutes) of all Board meetings and workshops, types same minutes on FSHOA letterhead, distributes to Board Members for approval, and files into the appropriate Minutes Book in the clubhouse office.
2. The Secretary is the purchasing agent for the association. Orders all office supplies (copy paper, stamps, envelopes, poster board, etc.), at the request of any board member.
3. Revise all forms as needed.
4. Update Policy Book, forward copies of all updates to Board Members for reference, and provide copies to general membership of all new or updated policies as appropriate. Electronic copies of all policies are backed up to a storage device and new implementation statements are included in the appropriate meeting minutes.
5. The Secretary is in charge of all Annual Meeting organizational protocols (design of ballots, teller reports, instructional letter, etc.).
6. Keep up to date with all changes or additions to the Florida HOA and not-for-profit corporation Statutes, and Robert’s Rules of Order.
Informs Board members of such changes and of breaches in all policy.
7. Check telephone messages every couple of days and relay any information to the appropriate officer or director.
8. Participate as a co-signer on association checks as needed.
9. Affix the FSHOA corporate seal to documents, witness and verify signatures. It is helpful, but not mandatory, if the Secretary is a Notary Public.
10. Work closely with the Treasurer and Welcoming Director to keep all board members informed of any new residents, members, and
renters, distributing new names, phone numbers, and addresses appropriately.
11. File all documents, including letters of resignation, appointment forms, bids for jobs, resident and professional contact letters, etc.
12. Immediately following the Annual and Organizational Meetings, send letters and copies of the minutes from both meetings to the
following contacts: County Board of Commissioners, County Board of Elections, FSHOA designated CPA, FSHOA designated attorney,
HOA Publishers, all Banks, website administrator, and, most importantly, submit the Annual Report Notice with the State of
Florida, Division of Corporations.
13. Send Organizational Meeting results to the phonebook registrar for updating purposes.