That's right folks, this brief post is to let you know that alongside our neighborhood yard sale tomorrow, up at the clubhouse, there'll be a lot of activity.
As is customary we'll be selling hot dogs, burgers, brats along with chips and soda so please stop by - the food is always good and the company, better.
Something new for this event is that one of our neighbors, Joe Freitas, is on the Board of an all volunteer, zero salary, 501C3, dog rescue and has arranged to have a tent with dogs for petting, adoption, fostering and rescuing with love, in attendance.
They have been at it for around 6 years as a mostly Florida rescue but have expanded into the southeastern US.
Websites are and . You can apply to foster or adopt on our websites, see available dogs, see previously adopted dogs, our find social media pages. We have gear store where we sell shorts online and of course have a donation links to donate to help us save a dog in need.
Tomorrow, they will have business card and stickers for the kids, some dogs available to adopt, some previously adopted dogs that are local to us and they'll be selling shorts. They take PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, cash app or visa or Mastercard.
Look them up on Social Media:
FACEBOOK for Sharpei Nation
FACEBOOK for Bully Boyz Rescue.