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Polite Reminder: Clubhouse Parking.

Hi All,

This might not be known to all of you, so this post serves as a reminder of our neighborhood policy with regards to parking at the clubhouse.

This language can be found on page 12 of the Residents Policy Manual.

25. Members may temporarily park their car (or their guests car) in the Clubhouse Parking Lot if the following criteria are met:

a) Requesting member must be in good standing with FSHOA.

b) Requesting member must obtain a permit prior to parking any car in the Clubhouse parking lot. Permits are available from any board member.

c) Permit must be displayed in vehicle front windshield (or where bystanders can easily observe) while parked in lot.

d) Parking in the Clubhouse parking lot is limited to 7 days/nights unless special arrangements are made through a board member.

If a permit is not displayed/obtained, the vehicle may be towed and/or reported to the county as an abandoned vehicle left on private property.

Please share this information far and wide as reporting and towing will be performed and we'd rather that not have to happen.

We are currently seeking the owner of a white truck that has been parked at the clubhouse for over seven days. There is video evidence of some less than savory behavior by some young people who appear to be associated with this vehicle and we'd like to prevent the reoccurrence of those bad behaviors.

Could that truck belong to someone in your household?

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18 mai 2023

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